Babies & Children

Our passion is for the health and well-being of our babies and children....the health of a generation

Common issues with babies and children

Sleep Concerns
Feeding and attachment issues
Tongue and Lip tie resection
Delayed developmental milestones
Birth related trauma
Plagiocephaly (misshapen head)
Rolling, Sitting, Crawling and walking issues
Neck and back pain
All the chiropractors at Balance Integrated Health are trained in gentle, appropriate techniques suitable for babies and children. We utilise a range of low force adjusting techniques that are modified for each individual child. The care we provide to babies and young children is not HVLA (high velocity low amplitude) as described by the Chiropractic Board of Australia. Chiropractic care for children is very low risk and both patients and parents report exceptionally high satisfaction levels.

Infancy and childhood are times of rapid growth. Many parents choose to bring their babies and children to the Chiropractor for the assessment of their neuro-musculo skeletal system. It is important to ensure that the connections between the brain and body all develop and function well. Healthy nervous system function can support the achievement of developmental milestones. At Balance we are committed to the careful assessment and gentle correction of your child’s neuro-musculo-skeletal system to help support their healthy development.

The chiropractors at Balance Integrated Health have undertaken further paediatric study and training, however the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency for health providers (AHPRA) does not recognise specialist status for chiropractors in Australia.


Questions about Babies & Children
Will my baby get ‘cracked’?
No, absolutely not. At Balance, we utilise gentle, low force techniques.
My baby is unsettled, can you help?
Neuro-musculo-skeletal imbalances can have an impact on your baby’s healthy development. Our assessment will uncover if these issues are impacting your baby.
My Baby is crawling awkwardly, can you help?
Yes, crawling asymmetries may be as a result of musculo-skeletal imbalances.
My child has a flat spot on her head, what can be done about it?
Plagiocephaly (a flat spot to one side) or Brachiocephaly (flat at the back) are neuro-musculo-skeletal issues, that can be helped with Chiropractic care.

Dr Steve Boord

Dr Steve is passionate about Chiropractic care for patients of all ages, he has specific interest in Chiropractic Paediatrics, Retained Neonatal Reflexes, Functional Biochemistry, Integrative Neuroimmunology and Functional Neurology.
We are committed to helping to make pregnancy as comfortable as possible. Caring for the expectant Mum throughout the duration of the pregnancy is the best way to achieve this.

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